Description :
- Premium colored contact lenses
- Unbeatable quality
- Comfortable Natural
- Natural
- Medicaly graded lenses
Specification :
Water Content : 55%
Base Curve : 8.6mm
Diameter : 14.2 mm
Central Thickness : 0.07mm (-3.00D)
Permeability : 20
Transmissibility : 95%
Lens Material : HEMA 55 Hydrophilic
Identity :
COLORVISION was conceived to cater to the high-end market in coloredcontact lenses with premium quality, style, and comfort in mind.COLORVISION is made in Brazil by Pförtner, a renowned industry expert thathas withstood the test of time and that today bears its mark on many brandsglobally. Originally from Germany, the Pförtner family worked in craftingprosthetic eyes for victims of World War II and thus mastered the art ofreplicating the natural iris. For decades, the Pförtner family has been workingusing the same artisanal skills passed down for three generations, alsoutilizing the latest innovations in the world of colored contact lenses.